6 Quotes & Sayings By Marcia Clark

Marcia Clark is a former prosecutor and the author of a memoir, Without a Doubt. She is a graduate of Yale Law School and attended USC Law School on a full academic scholarship. She served as a public defender in San Francisco before her election to district attorney of San Francisco in 1989. In 2003, she became one of the most prominent figures in the O Read more

J. Simpson trial, when she was appointed to represent him in his criminal trial for the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman. The jury found him not guilty on July 13, 1995.

Even a clock that's broken is right twice a day. Marcia Clark
I was famous in a way that was kind of terrifying. I had no protection. When reporters showed up at my house, there wasn't even a sidewalk. They were literally parked on my front lawn. Marcia Clark
When I went to the prosecutor's office, I wanted to be one of the good guys that the defense could trust. I'd try fair, clean cases, pull no punches, no below-the-belt stuff. Honorable. Because that's the kind of prosecutor I wanted to deal with. Marcia Clark
To me, one of the big silver linings of the Simpson trial is the advances we've made in understanding domestic violence as a lethal problem. Before that trial, I think there was a widespread sense that it was a family affair, a normal part of a relationship, not really a crime. The reality is that it's very much a crime, and a very serious one. Marcia Clark
I chose law because writing was involved. I didn't realize how boring legal writing was, but I even learned to love that. Marcia Clark